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19 April, 2015 Enhanced Formula to Maximize Cattle Growth

With 2015 Q2 cattle import quota issued almost on the last day of March 2015, many feedlots in Indonesia find it a huge challenge to have their cattle ready for market during Lebaran, traditionally the period with the highest demand and prices for cattle and beef. PT Kerta Mulya Saripakan ("Saripakan") has developed an enhanced pelleted feed specifically to help lotfeeders maximize the growth of their feeder cattle within such critical timeframes. There has been much market interest in the product, with feedlots using them on import cattle from Frontier, ILE and Wellard, as well as local cattle from Jawa Tengah and Sumba Ongole.

Saripakan's enhanced formula can also be used in rations through all growth stages of the feeder cattle, from as young as Weaners and Yearlings to Finishers, as well as Dairy Cattle. Saripakan's technical service personnel are available to advise on application and respective usage to minimize cost and maximize profitability.

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